I am…

The other day we were teaching our seventh grade religion class. We were talking about inner monologue and how important it is to speak kind words in your heart and mind. We went around the room and had everyone say…”I am blessed”. This was very powerful. I loved watching them say it out loud!

Then today I was watching Oprah’s Life Class with Joel Osteen and it was all about “I am…” He said however you finish that sentence will be what you attract in your life. If you walk around saying “I am fat” or “I am broke” or “I am tired”. You will attract those things.

The opposite is true too. By saying “I am blessed” you attract blessings. He offered up new words for people, new ways to finish the sentence. One woman said, “I am at the bottom” and he asked her to change that to be positive and she said, “I am at the bottom and I am looking up”. LOVE IT!

He had everyone stand and repeat after him. Some words he added were (“I am….”) equipped, confident, creative, ready, beautiful, blessed, and victorious. I was standing there in front of the TV with my hands raised like a preacher repeating after him. When I said, “I am victorious” I had some Holy Spirit tears. I’m not gonna lie, I am loving me some Joel Osteen…and I love Oprah of course which should go without saying. She’s there shouting out personal affirmations along with everyone else. Who doesn’t need to hear this message?!?!

What is your inner voice telling you? How do you finish the sentence “I am…”?

Remember…if you don’t like the story you are telling yourself…change it. You have that power. Do it. Change it. Be good to yourself.

This will be fun! Respond in the comments section.

Let’s help each other use words of affirmation. We can literally change our future.

I’ll start.

“I am… excited to see so many responses!”

©2012 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved
image from pinterest and http://absolutelyinlovewithhim.tumblr.com/

Author: Sue

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