
I spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted to call this Blog.  I was thinking about calling it “Enough”.  As in…I  have enough.  I am enough.  You are enough… “enough already!”  But then I realized that some of us, probably all of us at one time or another do not feel like we have enough.  We don’t believe we are enough.  We are still running an old script in our heads that says we may never be enough.  We do not have an abundance mentality… resources seem scarce and we are afraid we have run out.

You know how you spend your whole life looking for what’s going to make you “happy”…you look everywhere, church, school, people.  Suddenly, I feel like singing that Indigo Girls song, “I went to the Doctor, I went to the Mountain, I looked to the children, I drank from the fountain”. (Click the link under this post -closer to fine-to take you back to the ’90s…I’ve been rocking out remembering my college days!)  Anyway, it’s true, we search and search the world over and some of us feel like we never find “it” but the reality is, “it” was in us all the time. 

I believe “it” is not something to be found.  It is something to be AWAKENED.  So, with this Blog, I invite you to join me in an AWAKENING.  I hope to AWAKEN the spirit within me and you and all of us collectively so we can stop spending our time and resources frantically searching and instead, we can start changing the world. 

 Are you in?

01 Closer to Fine

Author: Sue

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