The High Road

Have you ever found yourself at a point where you look around and think, “How did I get here?”

It reminds me of the song from the Talking Heads…”This is not my beautiful house.  This is not my beautiful wife!”  

 Usually, if we get to that point, we try to figure out why we are where we are.  We think about our actions, our words, our decisions up to this point. 

I had something happen today and it was really uncomfortable.  I felt shaky and angry and confused and lost.  I wasn’t sure how to respond.  It literally felt like the world was spinning and I was in the middle.  I imagine if I was on TV, it would have looked like a tornado all around me.  It would have been filled with faces and voices and noise and chaos.  I would have been in the middle trying to follow the faces and voices, my head spinning and my body shaking.  But then, I would hear a voice that said, “Look up” and I would look up.  God would be there and He would smile.  He would remind me to remember who I am.  The spinning around me would not stop but I would be still.  Calm.  Centered. 

I believe this is what happened to me.  I was in the center of a firestorm and God centered me.  I remembered who I am right before I got sucked into the tornado.  I was lifted out by a God who loves me and wants me to make good choices.  He knows me and I know Him and we are in this together.  I was lost and now I’m found.  

I had a friend tell me once that she believed in being “born again” she just didn’t think it happened only once.  She said, “If you only knew how many times I’ve been born again”.  I love that.   Each day is a new day.  Each conflict an opportunity to do better, to be more Christ like.

I don’t know if the storm stopped because I’m not in it anymore.  I have removed myself.  Maybe this is what people mean when they say to “take the high road” or to “be above it”.  Maybe they mean we’re supposed to look up to lift ourselves out of the pit. 

Tomorrow there may be another storm.  And every day after that too, I’m sure.  I may not even notice.  I’ll be taking the high road.  I’ll be looking up. 

Author: Sue

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  • I love the born again premise, on so many levels. Not just the idea that we strive to attain goodness and greatness as a means to move on to higher spiritual awareness, but also as an anecdotal beacon to guide us everyday. To wake up after a crappy day and say, “what can I do better today to make THIS day more productive, positive for all those around me and myself?”. Love it…nice job Sue.

  • Praise God you are on the HIGH Road!
    This entry is inspiring. If HE leads us to it HE will lead us through it.
    Keep looking up!

  • Sue I love that! I think we all need to remember to look up and remember to focus on God! Thank you for sharing and reminding me to stop and look up!!!!