• That’s in the Bible?

    There was an article  today on Huffington Post called “10 Things to Give Up in Exchange for Happiness”.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tamara-star/exchange-these-for-happiness_b_4073396.html I thought it was a pretty good list.  But then I started thinking, why do I agree with these 10 things?  I’d say a lot of them come from experience.  We live, we learn.  Many of these

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  • The List

    Okay so I was feeling pretty sorry for myself the other day.  It was one of those “down in the dumps” days. Someone asked me what I was doing now that I wasn’t “working” and I had a little hissy fit.  Inside.  I try not to have hissy fits on the outside.  Inside I was screaming,

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