
You know how you look back at some things and cringe about the way you behaved at that point?  (Maybe you don’t but I have more than a few examples of cringe worthy behavior.)  I’ve accepted that to get me where I am today, I needed to have each and every experience I’ve had.  Every embarrassing experience, every nervous moment, every break up, every friendship, every job played a vital role in getting me here today.  One little thing changes and the whole thing is different. 

 Take a minute to think of your most embarrassing moment. (If you are me right now, you’re thinking, “which one?”)  It’s really bad, huh? What did you learn from it? 

 Now think of your biggest heart break.  I know, it makes your stomach hurt.  Take a moment, I’ll wait.  What did you learn from that?

 Now think about interviewing for jobs in college.  Oh sorry, is that up there with your embarrassing moments? 

 Think about the first day of high school.  The seniors sat on the steps and made fun of the freshmen.  We were all dressed alike and hovered so close to each other we couldn’t move.  We felt gangly and awkward. (Just for reference here, Cindy Crawford was a senior in my high school when I was a freshman so you think you felt gangly and awkward?)

 Think of what your hair looked like in the 80’s. 

 Think about speech class. 

 Think about when your best friend decided she hated you.  Or maybe everyone just started ignoring you for no reason.

 Think about your first job.  Think about the first day. 

 There are many other examples of growing experiences that I could insert here but frankly, I’m starting to feel ill.  Funny how the same “butterly in the stomach” feelings can resurface 20 years later, huh?

 Sort of makes you realize what your (older and wiser) parents were talking about when they said, “That which doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.” 

 Don’t you feel like a Superhero at this point?

Author: Sue

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  • How could you know??? How could you know that right now I sit with a pit in my stomach and tears in my eyes trying to figure out how I will get my three children through their pre teen and teen years intact?? How will I do this without losing my mind and my spirit? I have been frozen for the last hour…decided to check your blog…you r a godsend…I am a superhero and I will teach my children to be the same. You r the best!! Keep writing sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!