Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Writing, Speaking and Coaching to light your faith on fire!

It’s time to embrace your story & shine your light!

I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. – 2 Timothy 1:6-9

The Book

Essays celebrating God’s grace and journal prompts to help you write your story. This book is full of stories from Sue’s life and it will make you laugh and cry and remember. God’s grace is abundant and has been with us all along. Grab this book, a pen and a journal. It’s time to get curious!

Get the Book →

Start Journaling

Are you ready to start writing? Writing helps us find clarity. Give yourself time to breathe deep, connect with God and discover His leading as you put pen to paper. Find the divine threads within your life and get excited to face the future with joyful expectation!

FREE Journaling Prompts →

Read More on the Blog

Check out the blog to see the latest of Sue’s writings. She writes about lots of things. Mostly about faith and finding God in our every day lives but she also loves to add in pops of culture, movies, music, TV, politics, fashion. No topic is off limits!

Visit the blog→

One on One Coaching!

Sue is a Christian Life Coach who will help you on your faith journey. She uses journaling as a tool to help you see God’s divine plan for your life. She helps you appreciate your unique original design and embrace God’s leading as you move forward. If you are interested in growing in faith and creating a life you love, and if you desire coaching that draws on Scripture and prayer, then take the first step and set up a time to chat with Sue!

Speaking Events!

One of Sue’s favorite things is speaking at events. She also enjoys facilitating conversations and leading groups of all sizes. Sue has been speaking at church events, ministry gatherings, women’s groups, retreats, zoom meetings, Mom’s groups, book clubs and women’s luncheons for years.

If you are looking for a speaker or presenter or facilitator who loves encouraging women, contact Sue!

“Sue Bidstrup is truly a ray of sunshine! I first met her in 2022 while interviewing speakers for MOMS (Moms of Minis) at Austin Ridge Bible Church in Bee Cave. At the time, she was launching her book, The Great Big Yes, and her talk left an unforgettable impact. Sue shared a heartfelt and compelling message that inspired all 130 moms in attendance. Her grace, love, and Christ-centered leadership resonated so deeply that we invited her back the following year. Getting to know Sue on a personal level has been a true blessing. Her wisdom and life experience, grounded in faith, have guided me in making decisions in both my personal and professional life. I am so grateful our paths crossed—Sue is an inspiring, graceful, and loving leader who brings light and encouragement to everyone she meets.” 

-Marie Ross, Marie Ross Art

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