• Exciting Announcement!

        Yay! I’m celebrating today! I am thrilled to be a contributor to the 2019 Anchored Press planner! If you want to see my video as I open the box and unwrap the planner and see it for the first time, check out the Great Big YES Facebook page or @greatbigyes on Instagram (IGTV).

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  • Day 20: The Catholic Mass

      I went to a funeral today.  It was beautiful. I have to say, today…I’m thankful for the Catholic Mass. Maybe it was because I was feeling emotional, maybe it was because I could actually see the priest, maybe it was because he was so genuine and engaged and passionate.  Whatever the reason, I sat

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  • Smart Water

    I have been thinking a lot about health recently.  I’m sure it is related to my Holy Yoga training and my teaching.  Also, I’ve been on a cleanse. Physically, I feel great.  I have to say it has brought me more mental clarity and focus.  But sometimes with the mental clarity comes…well…clarity.  And sometimes when we wipe

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