• My Joy Story

    stars light up the night. big Texas sky covers us graciously. tucking us in for a story. campfire burns. we stare. mesmerized by light and warmth. notes play as voices sing. sharing loss and desire. we understand each other.  universal stories. contentment.  joyful noise. he reaches out for my hand as we walk. stomach flutters.

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  • Big Change

    Oh my gosh you guys.  I mean…y’all.  Big news over here.  We are moving to Texas! We’ve always lived in Illinois so this is a huge change. Did you get my references to Big and Huge? They say everything is bigger in Texas.  So it’s a good thing I named this blog Great Big YES!

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  • You are invited!

    Hi Everyone! I want to share two important and exciting things: One:  A friend and I are starting a faith sharing group called Flourish and you are invited!  Yippee! We are hoping to create a space where everyone can be their true, authentic selves.  Not perfect women but real, living, struggling, laughing, messing up, figuring things

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