• My Joy Story

    stars light up the night. big Texas sky covers us graciously. tucking us in for a story. campfire burns. we stare. mesmerized by light and warmth. notes play as voices sing. sharing loss and desire. we understand each other.  universal stories. contentment.  joyful noise. he reaches out for my hand as we walk. stomach flutters.

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  • 20 Seconds of Courage

    Hello there!!!! I have missed you all so much!!! Okay, first and foremost, I am PSYCHED about something that happened while I’ve been “regrouping”.  One of my blog posts (Come to the Feast) was featured on BlogHer!  You will notice some new Bling on the Blog…over in the right hand corner at the top…see it?  

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  • The power of SHE and YOU and ME

    OMG…This week has been CRAZY with inspiration.  I have SO MUCH to share with you!  People everywhere are doing amazing things!  God is doing amazing things!  Miracles are happening! This is how I feel…(shouting voice like Owen Meany)  LET’S ALL PUT OUR SOULS AND MINDS AND HEARTS AND RESOURCES TOGETHER!  LET’S ASK FOR GOD’S BLESSING

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