• Time to get cozy!

    I love this season. I get excited for jeans and scarves and sweaters and football and chili. However, I also get a little spazzy.  Because to enjoy those things, I MUST clean out all the closets, organize everything, buy new clothes and possibly new furniture.  I tend to rearrange, clean, and rip out hundreds of

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  • Expectations

    Do what you do. This is what a friend told me.  I told him that someone said I wasn’t “what she expected”.   She said she had been reading my blog and she expected something different.  Here we go again with the expectations… When I was in driver’s ed in high school, our teacher put the word

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  • Smile

      What makes you smile? My kids make fun of me because (well, actually, for a lot of reasons but this is one example) I was making my son’s bed when he was little and I said to him, “I want to introduce you to one of life’s greatest pleasures…clean sheets!”   My daughters were in

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