Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

1% Change Leads to Transformation

Hey there!

How’s it going?

It’s mid-January so this is when we get sick of our diet or work out plan because it isn’t working fast enough!!!! Where are the results???? Why can’t I lose all the weight in 2 weeks???

When we start to feel this way, we are more likely to quit. Just give up. Go back to our old habits. I get it. I’ve been there.

But don’t do it!!! Let’s start a whole new precedent this year!

Let’s be okay with it taking some time. Let’s lose weight like we want to live it. Let’s build business like we want to sustain them. Sure, crash dieting might work for a time but if you don’t sustain the changes, it will fail. I mean, who can sustain eating lettuce and drinking water and counting macros or micros or something…I don’t know, it’s so confusing. Don’t be mad at yourself for failing at something that was designed to fail. If it worked, the whole diet industry would be out of jobs. They want you to come back every year.

So imagine you are okay with it taking some time and you are ready to commit! You want lasting change. You are not in a hurry. GREAT! On the podcast, I’m telling you about how to make 1% changes that will lead to total transformation.

This works in your business too. You don’t need to figure everything out in a day. Just commit to a new small habit each day and it will have a cumulative effect over time. You will grow your business in a way you can sustain it!

Listen in and let me know! What’s your 1% change?

Rooting for you!

