Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

25 Things

25 things

I’m excited to be linking up posts with other bloggers this week!

We are all writing on the topic:  “25 Things You Might Not Know About Me”

When I first thought about this, two things came to mind.  First, there isn’t much you don’t know about me since I’ve been blogging for over 3 years and I’m pretty much an open book.  Second, does anyone really care?

But then I thought about reading other people’s 25 Things and I got excited.  I love learning new things about people.  It doesn’t all have to be deep.   Sometimes the “me too” moments come in the silly stuff.  Sometimes we connect to other people’s memories or favorite song or embarrassing moments.

You already know the important stuff.  You know I love Jesus.  You know I love Yoga and especially Holy Yoga!  You know I love my family and being a mom and being a wife.  So I tried to think of 25 things I haven’t mentioned before in my blog posts.

Here goes:

1.)   I have two older brothers and no sisters.

2.)   I grew up in DeKalb, Illinois and I worked in the corn fields when I was a teenager pollinating corn.

3.)   My dad’s side of the family was from Croatia (original last name was Kovacevich) and my mom’s side was Swedish.

4.)   I worked as a waitress at a diner/ice cream shop for years and once I dropped a tomato slice on a customer’s head.

5.)   I lived in Spain for a summer in college.

6.)   When I was 16, I drove a Renault Encore.

7.)   I have known my husband since high school.

8.)   I’ve participated in two sprint triathlons, one 10K and several 5K races.

9.)   I was an Alpha Phi at Indiana University.

10.)I love Bret Michaels.  And Kid Rock. (These two fun facts seem like they belong together.)

11.)My first concert was Shaun Cassidy in fifth grade.

12.)I like to play board games especially Rummikub.

13.) I like to play question games and I love those “IF” books.

14.)I dreamed of being Olivia Newton-John in Grease.

15.)I’m a yoga teacher and I can’t do a handstand (yet).

16.)I strongly dislike the word “moist”.

17.)I HATED the movie E.T.

18.)I used to work at Disney World and I can still recite my spiel.

19.)I have had more than my fair share of speeding tickets.

20.)I dream of going to the Academy Awards.

21.)I just quit Diet Coke after a 25 year love affair.  (I know this is a good thing but sometimes I stare longingly at other people’s Big Gulps.)

22.)My first job out of college was with Prudential Insurance.

23.)I’ve always kept a journal.

24.) Reality TV is my guilty pleasure, I especially like watching the Kardashians.

25.)I can touch my tongue to my nose.

What about you?  What are 25 things people might not know about you?

*Check out these other bloggers ’25 Things’ posts!

Megan from She Does Justice

Bri from Soul to Sole Holy Yoga

Brooke from Holy Yoga

Tasha from Breathing In Him

Stephanie from The Little Way

Mandy from She Breathes Deeply

Christina from Complete Motions

Sue from Great Big Yes

*Do you want to link up your ’25 Things’ post? Join us here!


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