Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

30 days of Gratitude

It’s November.  The month of Thanksgiving.  One day is not enough to celebrate all of the things we are thankful for so I’ve decided it’s the Month of Gratitude for Great Big Yes!

I will be posting about gratitude.

I would love for you to join me in the comments here and/or join the conversation on Facebook and/or Twitter and/or Instagram – click on icons in upper right hand corner to connect.

What are you grateful for?

Even though it rained on Halloween, I looked out my car window into my backyard and I saw this.  It made me pause and thank God for the colors of fall.

fall colors

Halloween is not always my favorite day because it can be stressful but I’d like to say right now, in my sugar buzzed state, that looking back over the years,  I feel blessed.

I’m grateful for all the years of Halloweens with my kids.  All the costumes and parades and class parties and sticky fingers and sugar meltdowns and trick or treating and pulling wagons and pushing strollers and seeing friends and parties on porches and bonfires and pizza and hot dogs and chili and cold beers and hot chocolate and jack-o-lanterns and spiders and homemade costumes and pumpkin patches and apple orchards and power rangers.

I’m grateful for the year when my daughters dressed as Bob the Builder and Pikachu and my husband asked, “Doesn’t anyone want to be a fairy princess?”  (And the next year he got this!)


I’m grateful for the neighborhood and the way we feel safe and the way the kids roam and the excitement and all the chatter about which houses hand out “full size candy bars”.  I’m grateful to see these kids growing up.  Not just mine but yours too and all of ours.  I’m grateful that I get to see all of this action.  It feels like a movie, with the colors and the laughter and the abundance of candy.

I’ve been blessed to have had a front row seat to this revelry and it has been a great show.

I am grateful.


©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™  All Rights Reserved