stars light up the night. big Texas sky covers us graciously. tucking us in for a story. campfire burns. we stare. mesmerized by light and warmth. notes play as voices sing. sharing loss and desire. we understand each other. universal stories. contentment. joyful noise.
he reaches out for my hand as we walk. stomach flutters. unsure of what’s next. heart beating in my throat. hoping he’ll tell me who he is. what he loves. where he hurts. eager to be let in. listening intently. story unfolding. joy coming.
bright lights. lots of people. noise. doctors racing. nurses talking. my feet are cold. searing pain. fear. hurry. worry. wait. wonder. why. there will be no cry they say. do not be afraid. clean out mouth and take away…trusting. listening. it’s okay they say. scared. mom? who is here? what time is it? so much pain. hear a cry. relief. tears. laughter. joy delivered.
big tree with tire swing. golf carts and trampoline. bikes against the fence. hoop too high for me. brother lifts me. leaves crunch. hide and seek. running. pool. stories. who said what. who did what. who do you like. where are you going. friends.laughter. long lazy days of summer. joy remembered.
entering in. unrolling my mat. chanting om. movement. breath. meditation. inner journey. awakening. light. calm. peace. community. safety. wellness. health. grace. prayer. new life. joyful freedom.
These are just some of my Joy Stories. I have asked God to give me more joy in my original design..more joy in who He has made me to be…more joy in my unique story. I’ll be looking back and looking ahead with joy this year. I will be praying for eyes to see and ears to hear the joy that is around me in the present moment. I will be celebrating the way joy continues to show up.
Joy is our birthright and our destiny. We must claim it. Own it.
Do you see it? Did you feel it? Can you remember it?
Where do you find joy?
Let’s tell that story.
We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. -Psalm 126:2
Wishing you a Joyous New Year!!!! Miss you.
Miss you too!! xo
Sue, you so eloquently describe the snap shots in life that form us, the moments that are really important. Thank you. As always your words touch me deeply and they seem to be just what I need in the moment. Happy Holidays! Eileen
Thanks Eileen! Happy new year!