Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

A Conversation and Devotional to help you through this pandemic!

Hello Everyone!!! How are you?

I pray you are healthy and feeling God’s grace and presence all around you, in your home, wherever you are practicing social distancing. I love that people are now advocating calling it physical distancing, not social distancing because we can still be social!! We need each other!

I’m excited to share this new podcast episode with you! I am chatting with Wendy Landin, she is the author of “You are My Beloved: Discovering the Grace in Identity and Original Design.” She shares her process, how the book came to fruition, the publishing process, and what God has revealed to her through this process! This is a life giving conversation filled with encouragement for you on your own walk! This is the time to do the thing you are called to do!!!

And speaking of life giving, I can’t think of a better time for all of us to root down into God’s Word with this devotional. Wendy offers wisdom and insight we all need! I think it’s a good idea to order up some copies and send to friends to help them stay strong during this pandemic and this time of physical distancing!

Here’s the link:

And here’s the podcast! Enjoy! We hope and pray it blesses you!

Wendy loves cultivating spaces for people to encounter the living God and engage with the freedom He provides. She is a writer, speaker, personal trainer, group fitness instructor and has created a wellness/weight loss course that was borne out of her own health journey. She has her master’s certification in Holy Yoga, trauma sensitive training, and is the Canadian Shephard/Soul Care provider for the Holy Yoga Foundation.

Wendy can be found on Instagram at @wendyslandin, Facebook @WendyLandin, and Twitter @wendyslandin. Her website is

Stay healthy!

Sending Love and prayers to you and your families…Sue

P.S. Now more than ever, we need people and encouragement! JOIN TEAM YES! April is starting soon and we want you on the team!! Let’s navigate this “new normal” together! If you have a dream, a passion project, a business, an idea, an inkling of an idea that you feel called to pursue, JOIN US!! We want to help you flush out your ideas and help you get started and stay on track. We will hold you accountable in a loving, encouraging way! Here’s the link to all the details! This is a fantastic time to join! See you on the inside!

TEAM YES Details and link to join!