She woke up today with a heavy heart.
Anxiety pierced her chest.
Slushing through the breakfast routine she wondered why.
Fell asleep reading a book about minors being stolen and trafficked.
Could wreak havoc on even the most hopeful mind.
Studying, learning, praying, demanding some sort of safe haven for these sweet souls bought and sold. Bought and sold. Mercy Lord. Your daughters and sons. Like property.
Her stomach hurts and she considers going back to bed.
Nagging uncomfortable feeling persists and she remembers more.
Good people she knows looking for son. He’s lost. Find him Lord.
Other mothers that are dear mourn their lost children.
Friends struggle through teaching right and wrong. Boundaries. You are worthy. You are loved.
This too shall pass.
It will be better in the morning.
Except when it’s not.
I was told motherhood is the great equalizer and that is true. You pray for me I’ll pray for you.
It’s all we can do really.
Money, connections, family, friends, education, they don’t guarantee anything.
It’s a rocky road we travel. It’s an unsteady balance beam and we can’t strut here.
We walk tentatively. We focus our gaze.On you Lord.
Like Peter we lose focus, we look away. We fall. This reminds us to look at you again. We regain balance.
Only you know Lord. And you love us. You love our kids more than we do. Although I can’t imagine.
We read books and we share what we know and we love and we hold and we pray.
We tuck in and we snuggle and we laugh and we do homework and make sandwiches and drive and text and call and do laundry.
We cheer from the stands and we cry in cars alone. We buy things and fix things and anxiously await results.
We teach and we hug and we provide and we pray some more.
Lord, protect my baby.
Stay right there beside him even when he’s six feet tall.
Don’t ever leave her.
Remind him who he is when he forgets.
Love her when I’m not there Lord.
Have his back.
Guard her heart.
I’m sorry for complaining when I was tired or angry or hungry or lonely.
Lord, this gift. This gift.
Thank you.

©2015 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™, All Rights Reserved