Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Action brings Clarity!

Hey there!

I love coaching people to take action. It’s so exciting!

If you think about why you are not taking action, you will realize it’s your thoughts. Maybe you think you aren’t “ready” or you don’t have enough education or money. Maybe you think “I can’t” or “I don’t know how”.

Often, we don’t start because we don’t know the future. We don’t believe we will succeed. We are not willing to take the risk. We start imagining what could go wrong. We start “dooming and glooming” like the news. It’s no wonder we have anxiety and fear about the future when all day long our heads are filled with the news (most of it not good) and social media images that can often make us feel less than. So what do we do?

Well, first, we turn off everything that makes us feel anxiety and fear. We fill our hearts and minds with hope and truth from God’s Word, from loving friends and family, and from books and life giving resources.

Then, we take action. Just one thing. We take that first step on the staircase. We can’t see the whole thing but we can see the first step. Taking that first step will bring the second step into view. Taking Action Brings Clarity!

Listen in to the podcast for this week on this topic! I also touch on how God is using your business to grow you into your best self. Your business is not separate from your spiritual journey. It is part of it. God is using it.

I would love to hear from you! Has God taught you about yourself through your business? When have you been challenged and learned through your business? Please share!

I’m so grateful for all of you! Thanks for being here!

Keep Saying YES!
