Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Are you ready to break out of the box?

New podcast is up!

I love Mary Oliver’s poems. I share one here. It’s about going headlong into life instead of always being cautious. How do we live freely?

We all have this beautiful, wild soul within us longing to be free but we put so many limits on ourselves, we box ourselves in. We box our businesses in. We stay stuck and call it rational hesitation or safety or humility. We don’t want to be “too much” so we end up being lukewarm, passive, flat, dull, operating from fear instead of freedom. Are you doing this?

Which boundaries in your life are good, healthy, and keep you well…and which are fear based?

Listen in and get your mind turning. Then let me know what you think! Did you discover anything new about yourself, your life, your thoughts?