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What’s your favorite line?
MIne’s this: You are Never too much and always enough.
I especially loved the “never too much” part. Sometimes I feel like too much. Too loud, too passionate about ideas, too excited. I was told to “relax” a lot when I was younger. That’s really mean actually. I hate the word “relax”. It’s hostile. When I hear it, I hear this…”Calm down, shut up, you are too loud and too excited and it’s not the way a girl should act. You are too much!”
When I talk about the “too much” thing I get a little riled up. When people would tell me to calm down or relax I remember feeling like I just wanted to get LOUDER. I wanted to be MORE. I wanted to SHOW THEM. So I would get louder. And then I’d really feel like too much.
We learn the rules of the game as women and sometimes those rules tell us to not be ourselves. The little voice warns us about being offensive or not ladylike or not being liked or being judged or needing to shrink to fit in. We play nice, we don’t make waves, we compromise ourselves because we think we have to. Because we forget.
We forget who we are and we forget whose we are.
We are God’s beloved children and everything He makes is good.
I’m good.
You’re good.
It’s all good.
©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™ All Rights Reserved *video from the Anima series on YouTube