Here’s how we are going to do March.
We are getting Back to Basics.
It’s our theme for Holy Yoga and our theme for Great Big Yes this month.
If you are not following Great Big YES on Facebook please do so. There’s going to be BIG fun over there this month. Instagram is @suebidstrup and Twitter is @greatbigyes. Lean in friends, it’s going to get even more exciting!
What does getting back to basics mean to you?
What is basic for you?
As Oprah would say…What do you know for sure?
I know God is love. I know I am loved. I know you are loved. I know love is the answer. I know Jesus is love.
Let’s start there.
Let’s strip away all the rules, regulations, laws, politics, and all the other man made heaviness that hangs on our ideas of religion and faith. Let’s get back to basics.
Let’s begin with love.
“God is Love” -1 John 4:8
Today, look in the mirror and say this. “I am loved.” If you don’t believe it, keep saying it. Even if you do believe it, keep saying it. It’s true. That knowledge, that knowing, is your starting point. You are loved. Now. Today. Not someday when you are “better” or “ready”. Now. This minute.
Let this be your mantra. Let the love seep into your bones. Hang this love around your neck. Dress up in it. Wear it boldly and proudly. Walk around like you are the loved child of God because you are.
Now remember everyone else is too.
We are all loved.
Let’s start there.
Are you in?
©2014 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™ All Rights Reserved
Join us for some Holy Yoga!
Through Holy Yoga we create space to meet God on our mats. We make time to feel His love and hear His voice. All levels are welcome. Lean into this beautiful community – we would love to practice and worship with you!
Here’s what’s happening this month in Holy Yoga.