Be Present in your life.
God is creating a beautiful story with your life.
Are you watching?
Are you listening?
Write about it. Include details. What do you see and hear and feel and taste and smell?
Even if no one ever sees your writing, even if you only write it for you, it’s worth it. It will bring clarity. You will see God’s hand in your past days. You will feel His grace in your memories. When you recognize the divine threads in your life, you will say, “YES! Lord, I trust you with the rest of it. You are good. You are for me. Let’s goooooooooo!!!!”
Pour your heart and mind out on the page and see what comes up. He is still writing. And so are you. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
My favorite thing is asking questions for you to answer in your journals. I’m giving out new prompts in the journaling group every other day. My NEW, NEW favorite thing is to listen to music and see what it brings up in me and then write about that.
I can’t wait to share this fun with you! So, I’ll be sharing music prompts with you on Instagram! Get yourself a journal if you don’t have one already and get ready to dance, sing AND write! Make sure you are following me @greatbigyes
I also want to share this with you. I was a guest on a podcast hosted by my friend, Barbara Culwell. It’s called “Embrace Your Strengths Podcast”. She helps people discover and develop their strengths. My top 5 are: Activator, Positivity, Input, Intellection, and Connectedness. I found this all very fascinating! Want to learn more? Here’s the link to listen!