Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

BOOM! I finished the Whole30!



Yep. It’s done.

I did it.

I didn’t cheat once. Not a lick, not a taste, not a sip of off-limits food.

I’ve never felt so accomplished.  Honestly, college, jobs, motherhood, races, triathlons, yoga certification, career, speaking to groups, starting a business, writing, teaching, studying, learning, blogging, growing, parenting…who cares about any of it…the fact that I could go 30 days with no sugar and no gluten and all the other stuff I said no to…Y’all…it’s darn near a miracle.

Here’s what I know now.

When you eat sugar, you want more sugar. Just say no.  #tamethesugardragon

You have a clearer mind when you eat healthy and drink never.

Habits are hard to break but not impossible.

You are in control of what you eat.

You may hear the Lord talk to you in this battle with food. You pray, “Lord, please make a huge gusty wind blow these chips out of my hand” and you hear Him say back to you…”Just put them down beloved.” It’s a convicting experience.

Sleep more and lose the snark.

Cream in coffee is overrated.

Sweet potatoes are my best friend.

It is not that hard to buy real food and cook it.

If you get the #tigerblood, you will need to buy new running bras.  The ones from 1999 aren’t cutting it. Also, it doesn’t look good if you are running with your hands over your boobs.

I survived movies with no popcorn, a meal out at a restaurant without an appetizer, a boat ride without a beer,  TV watching without Twizzlers/M&Ms, Starbucks without cream, and a McDonald’s drive thru without ordering a Diet Coke (Iced tea is okay! Unsweetened).

It can be done.

So, day 31 came and I planned to go out to eat Mexican food with the family.  I really wanted tortilla chips.  They were just fine. Not great. So I had a few, ordered a salad and decided maybe all the things I want aren’t all they are cracked up to be.

Maybe the thing we think we can’t live without will just be “eh” when we get it.

Maybe all of this is just an exercise in figuring out what is “worth it”.

Turns out, I am. Worth it.

So are you.

medicine food

©2015 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™, All Rights Reserved

Whole30 graphic from Whole30