Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Business Marketing the Great Big YES Way!

Hey there!

This podcast is for all of you Entrepreneurs and Business Owners! Are you struggling with your marketing message? Do you need help defining your ideal customer? I love helping people narrow down their niche and pinpoint their ideal client! More than just helping you find more business, I want to help you attract the right clients, the ones who need what you offer, the people who can most benefit from your service. I want you to lead with heart to heart connection so you can attract and serve your clients in the best way!

I’m super passionate about getting to the heart of my clients and I want to encourage you to do the same. Our clients (and us and everyone) have external needs. Those can be pretty easy to name. But they (and we) also have internal needs. We don’t often give voice to our internal needs but they motivate us to take action. For instance, if we are looking for a home, our external need is shelter. But our internal need is safety, comfort, a place to make memories, etc. The best way to talk to our customers and market to our customers is to understand them better. That’s what this podcast is all about!

As always, feel free to reach out in the comments here or email me at I would love to connect with you!

Keep Saying YES!

