Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Change your Thoughts, Change your Mind

Hey there!

Are you ready to have your mind blown? Are you ready to finally take ownership of your life?

On this podcast episode, I teach you how to use “The Model”. It’s a coaching tool that will help you take action and get busy building a life you love. I know you’ve heard all about mindset and maybe you’ve thought this coaching stuff is “woo-woo” and “blah blah”. I’m telling you, this works. I’ve been using the model on myself and it’s legit.

Those of you who know me personally or have been following me for a long time know that I love Jesus. I rely on His Word and my relationship with Him to guide me and sustain me. I also love coaching and I’ve seen how it can transform lives, mine included. But I want you to know that it doesn’t have to be one or the other. It can be both. It’s through God’s Word that we learn we must “take every thought captive”.

In this podcast episode, I incorporate faith into my teaching of the model. That’s what makes me different as a coach. I bring faith and spirituality into it. Because here’s the thing, and I talk about this on the podcast…We all have 4 parts to us: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. They are all connected. We must pay attention to all of them! And our beliefs about God and grace and faith and trust and hope and joy, they can’t be separated from our thoughts. They inform our thoughts, our mindset, our worldview. Our optimism doesn’t come from a fortune cookie or a positive vibe quote on a coffee cup or a twitter post. Our lightness, our authority, our original design, shines because of our Creator. He is the source. And so yes, we can do the work to take our thoughts captive and we must, but He gives us the power to be free from the limiting thoughts. What we are after is not just behavior modification where we need to grit our teeth and white knuckle our way into a new thought. We don’t have to pretend or perform. What Jesus offers, is FREEDOM. And isn’t that what we are all ultimately after?

You can use the model if you don’t believe in God and it’s good. It’s powerful. But when you do believe, when you have faith on your side, when you understand grace, when you know the power of God is with you…well, then, there is no stopping you! You are not just transforming your life when you make positive changes, you are the messenger of light, you are an example of possibility and excitement and empowerment. We shine and we show others the way! This work is bigger than us. This is freedom work, chain breaking work, legacy building work. And YOU are being called to do this work!

There is so much good stuff in this podcast! Listen in and let me know what you think. You can comment here or email me at

Keep Saying YES! We are just getting started!


P.S. If you like what you hear on the podcast and want to dig deeper and transform your own life, join TEAM YES Coaching and Community! Check out the details HERE.


I have made a “kit” that provides links to products and books I’ve mentioned on the podcast, books I love and want to recommend or things that people have asked me about! I will be adding more as things come up! I hope this serves as a resource for you and saves you the time of hunting for things! You can order straight from the links in my “kit”!