Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Chatting with Brooke Boon – Founder of Holy Yoga!


Today on the podcast, I’m talking to Brooke Boon.  Brooke is the founder of Holy Yoga.  Holy Yoga is an international ministry and is having it’s 10 year anniversary this fall! Holy Yoga exists to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth through the modality of yoga. I am a trained Holy Yoga teacher and I’ve gone through several of their training programs and they are amazing!

I’m excited to share our conversation with you!  Brooke is a lover of the Word and she is a gifted Bible teacher. She is filled with a love of the Lord and a true understanding of grace borne of her own experience.  Brooke is honest and authentic and her words inspire and encourage many! She is my friend and one of the people who has influenced my walk with the Lord greatly.  I’m so grateful Brooke said YES! to her calling because her YES! directly impacted my life and journey with God.


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