Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Come to the Feast

A couple things have happened in the last few days and they are all exploding inside of me to create an “AHA” moment. I love these moments. Actually, I live for them. “Aha moments” are like oxygen for me. They are candy kisses from God. I seek them all the time. Often, they elude me but when one hits…bam! I see clearly (or at least clearer). What a gift.

Speaking of “Aha moments”, I just watched an Oprah interview with Lady GaGa. I watched them at the launching of the Born this Way Foundation. I heard Lady GaGa speak and I was moved. She said she was bullied as a kid and that’s why she is so intent on making everyone feel good about themselves. There is too much to tell here but I want to get to one thing in particular.

We all know Lady GaGa particularly supports and encourages homosexual youth to be themselves and love themselves and be brave. There were some young people on the show saying that she is the person who gives them hope and courage to live.

A woman who is considered “out there” by many people is saving lives. A woman who wore a dress made of raw meat and sometimes dresses as a man is the voice of hope and life for many. She says you have to push buttons to make change. She is pushing and she is creating change for good. Kids are saying the reason they are alive is because of her. Did you get that? The reason they are ALIVE.

I am a Christian who believes the reason I am alive is that I was created out of love by a loving creator. I believe there is a purpose and a plan for me and for all of us. My hope is in Jesus.

This got me thinking, why is other people’s hope not in Jesus? Why are kids finding hope in a pop star while the pews of our churches are empty?

Why did I tell my kids the other day…this is not made up….I said, “If you are ever in a new place, a new town, somewhere you feel alone and you don’t know where to go, go to a yoga studio. The people there are accepting and kind and non-judgmental.”


I realized it is because I cannot without a doubt say that a church would be accepting and kind and non-judgmental. That would be a lie.

Here’s what churches sometimes forget. The good news of Jesus is not just for the people in the pews. It is for everybody. I believe that God, in His infinite wisdom knows He can’t get everyone into the pews. He knows the humans in the churches down here sometimes mess it up. So He gave us Lady GaGa and others like her so His message of Hope and love can reach everyone.

Yes, I said “His message”. Did you know that’s His message? Hope and Love? Or have people been confusing you into thinking His message is about judgment and sin and shame and guilt and punishment?

When asked what the greatest commandment is, He said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. And love your neighbor as yourself.” So if I’m confused about what to do, this is what is going to be my litmus test. Am I showing LOVE? Am I treating my neighbor with love?

He puts us in certain places to speak up. He gives us a voice and a life and experiences and personalities and opportunities and He MAKES US WHO WE ARE. As Lady GaGa says and I believe it’s true… “God makes no mistakes”. I am grateful to her and her message of hope and healing.

I heard a preacher named T.D. Jakes speak and he said a great line about Christianity. He said, “Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where he found the bread”.

I love that. That’s what it should be. I want to get back to that.

If you know hope and love, share it. Stop pointing the finger and start pointing the way. If you sing, sing it. If you paint, paint it. If you preach, preach it. If you write, write it. Let’s help create the churches and communities that are accepting and kind and non-judgmental, a safe place for all of God’s people. (By the way, that is EVERYONE.)

Nobody is better than the next guy. We are all beggars. And we are all invited to the meal.

Every single one of us… gay or straight, man or woman, black or white, young or old, rich or poor, fat or thin, yogi, Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, atheist, protestant, Jewish, Catholic, Baptist, Muslim, heathen, sinner, saint, victim, mother, father, sister, brother, disabled, athletic, artistic, outgoing, shy, bullied, bully…all of us. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US is invited to know Jesus which is to know HOPE AND LOVE.

Feast on that.

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