Maybe you are like me. Maybe you have felt hurried and rushed and at one point, just decided that is not the way you want to live. This happened for me when I started practicing yoga. I learned how to breathe and stay calm, how to feel in my body what was going on in my mind. My thoughts were creating reactions in my physical being. I learned to listen to my body, to become aware of my thoughts. I learned I could choose to pause and breathe and I didn’t have to give in to the chaos around me. I am so grateful to yoga and all it has taught me that I have taken off the mat and into the world.
When my kids were younger, I read a book about “The Hurried Child” and learned how detrimental it can be to our kids when they are constantly in a state of rushing. How we, as parents, can set the tone in our household. We have the power to raise kids who are not always hurried, late, unorganized, forgetting things, unprepared, scared, embarrassed, and rushed. We have choices. We have the opportunity to give our kids the gift of grace, time, presence, awareness, preparedness, and peace. This was all around the same time as my yoga practice was becoming routine and it was also around the same time God was meeting me in a new way.
He met me there on my yoga mat too. He told me to rest. I’ve told this story before but every time I think of it, I want to fall to my knees in gratitude. He saw me. He saw me rushing and controlling and trying to make everyone happy and everything perfect. He orchestrated this meeting at just the right time. He invited me into a new way of being. He was giving me tools to use (books, knowledge, yoga, breath, meditation, prayer) and He was giving me the foundation to put all those things into practice. The foundation of faith, of understanding that I’m safe, loved, protected and I will be provided for. Same thing goes for my kids. He was reminding me to pay attention. To not rush through the days. To be a force of calm. To set the tone in my family and in my life. He set the tone actually, I just followed. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” -John 14:27
So that’s the Foundation. Now, as a coach, I can’t help myself. I want to help you find the Focus to create a life of peace. It’s about first receiving God’s love and promises…His peace, the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Without a foundation in faith, this may all seem like white knuckling your way to “peace” through gritted teeth. You may appear peaceful on the outside but inside you may be feeling chaotic and out of control. God is the power. Faith is the fuel. Once we get that, we can start to FOCUS.
Here are some tips to not be running around like a chicken with your head cut off:
Plan a few things for the next day before you go to bed.
- What will you wear tomorrow?
- What will you eat tomorrow?
- Where to you have to be tomorrow and What time should you leave to get there on time and not coming in hot?
You may be thinking, “Ugh. I don’t like to plan.” Then ask yourself, do you feel rushed? Confused? Stuck for long periods of time not knowing what to do next? Overeating? Running late? Do you end the day feeling like you couldn’t catch a breath? Are you exhausted? Do you feel unhealthy?
If you answered YES to any of this, then this is your wake up call. If you want something different, you are going to have to do something different. You can choose peace and calm. Love yourself enough to not be in a hurry all the time. Set a new pace. Peace.
Listen below: Episode #80: Don’t Hurry, Be Happy.
(I recorded the Facebook Live I did with my private membership group Team YES! and shared it for this week’s podcast! We have a Facebook live every Monday morning for motivation for the week. )