Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Enough is Enough.

I’ve been reading and watching and listening to “what’s out there” on social media and podcasts and books and TV shows and there is something rising up in me. It’s a protective spirit, a “oh hell no, not on my watch” energy. Here’s how I’m feeling…

What is this nonsense? 

We are so afraid of being positive. 

We are so afraid of saying we are not afraid.


Why does someone on Instagram, saying,  “I know we are still breathing, but we are all dead inside, right?” get over 124,000 likes but someone sharing hope gets ignored or maybe just a shoulder shrug and some judgment? 

I just heard a woman say on a podcast, “I am dead a lot inside.” She talked a lot about not knowing who she is. (BINGO- Identity is everything!) And “I wouldn’t mind getting hit by a bus. This is too much. Send a wolf over here. End this.” She continues, “I don’t know why I’m here anymore, I don’t know what the point of my f—— life is.” Her cohost just murmured, mmhmmm. 


Is this profound? 

Is this helpful?

People are building platforms and businesses around misery and depression and lack of purpose. It is astounding. And tragic.  

When I listen to and read about all the women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, saying how sad they are, how much they struggle looking in the mirror, how much they don’t want to get out of bed, I feel like we are in a STATE OF EMERGENCY.

The people to get us out of it are not: the government, the doctors, big pharma, big tech. The people who we need to show up and be loud are the older women.

US. You and me. We have to lead. We are here for such a time as this.

Let’s talk about the ebbs and flows. 

Let’s talk about “this too shall pass”. 

Let’s talk about Jesus. 

Let’s talk about Identity.

Let’s talk about speaking our minds. 

Let’s talk about setting boundaries.

Let’s talk about hope. 

Let’s talk about joy. 

Let’s talk about service.

Let’s talk about laughter.

Let’s talk about loving people.

Let’s talk about having fun.

Let’s talk about original design.

Let’s normalize strength and resilience and tenacity.

Let’s talk about the difference between having a feeling and letting that feeling define us. 

Let’s not glamorize misery. I know it’s all the rage to show up vulnerable and “broken”. But I’m calling it. That’s enough. 

As my mom would say, “Honey, that’s unbecoming.” And then she would remind me, “Wash your face, put some lipstick on, go get a Diet Coke, and get out in the world.” Because some things aren’t that deep. They aren’t meant to be dwelled upon. Sure, we go there. We are human. We live in the real world and some days stink. But we don’t stay there. And we don’t let people we love stay there either.

Find something you love. 

Find something to do. 

Find someone to serve. 

A life that’s all about you and your feelings is sure to leave you empty. 

Women, let’s step up when we hear this language. Let’s answer back to this cry for help. Let’s not just nod our heads in agreement and solemnly go along with lies that are holding young women captive. I know you want to be compassionate. I know you want to validate their feelings. I know you want to make sure they feel seen and heard. You can do all of that and speak truth into their hearts and minds. Don’t hold back what you know because the voices of misery in this culture are loud and defensive, daring you to defy them.

Do it. Defy them. 

A whisper of hope is a million times more powerful than a shout of despair.