I think a lot of people do yoga to “get in shape” or to gain flexibility or to “get lean” or to lose weight.
All of those things will happen if you develop a yoga practice.
You will get stronger for sure.
But I love what happens to us in Holy Yoga.
We become strong and soft.
We talked about this yesterday in class. For instance, in Warrior pose, we build a strong foundation first. We root firmly into the ground. We build a steady base and then we raise up our arms and open our hearts.
We can’t open our hearts and be vulnerable until we know we are safe.
We don’t raise up our hands and trust until we know that we won’t fall.
It’s the same in life. We can’t allow ourselves to be “seen” until we feel that we are going to be accepted.
So we build a steady base rooted in our faith in Jesus. We stand firm on His Word and His promises. We know we are safe. He is our shield. We will not fail.
When the truth of this sinks deep into our hearts, when it permeates our being…then we can lift our arms up in praise, then we can open our hearts to the possibilities.
Stand firm today friends.
He’s got you.
Today and every day, I’m grateful for His firm foundation.
©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™ All Rights Reserved