Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Freedom, Sunshine and Open Hearts


This is how I feel today.

That’s Jesus breaking out of the tomb. I love how he’s running. He’s free.

We are free too.

That’s the miracle of Easter.  I hope you had a good Easter and I hope you feel God’s amazing power and grace.

Today is a new day.

Just like Jesus, I feel like running.  I feel like running toward the light and breaking the chains…the chains of winter and eating too much sugar and watching too much tv and feeling couped up.  I feel like beginning again.  The sun is out and that changes everything.

I think it has something to do with watching The Bible miniseries too.  I mean…how awesome was that?!?!?! The way the disciples put their lives in danger to speak the truth of Jesus…incredible.  The whole thing was so inspiring.

God set this up perfectly you know.  This whole thing.  All of it.  Lent. Easter. Winter. Spring. Periods of darkness. Great Light. His Truth. Our Hope. Trust. Faith. History. Paul. Matthew. Thomas. Mary. Mary Magdelene.  You. Me.

It’s true.  We are on that list with the disciples.  We don’t see Him but we know.  We are those people Jesus speaks of when he says, “Blessed are those who have not seen but still believe.”  That’s us! He’s calling us!  We are living in this place, at this time, with these people for a reason.

Sometimes we don’t know what the reason is.  Sometimes I sit around and wonder and read and think and ask and try to figure it out.  Sometimes I strive and I reach and I struggle and I want to accomplish.  But today I think it’s about just living.  Just living in the light.  Just doing the “next right thing” as Glennon says on  (By the way, she was on the Today show this morning which also puts a huge spring in my step- Go Glennon! Her book comes out today!)

Another reason I’m very excited is that I get to go on my Holy Yoga retreat this month! I can’t wait to come back from retreat and start teaching and sharing Holy Yoga with all of you.

In the meantime, I  figure it’s never to early to start sharing something good.  I will be participating in the first Holy Yoga Challenge.  I have no idea what this means but I feel God nudging me to do it.  It’s just like when I signed up for training to teach Holy Yoga.  I had no idea what I was doing but I felt God prompting me to sign up.   And with each of these times (and others) when I have followed my heart and said a GREAT BIG YES! to the things that honor God and help me live my faith…I have never looked back.  I have been richly blessed on these roads even when I don’t know where they are heading.  So I step out again in faith.  I think it’s appropriate the Holy Yoga challenge is about heart openers.  Because to really step out in faith, we don’t need to know it all.  We don’t need to be able to predict the outcome.  We don’t need to strive and reach and accomplish.  We just need to open our hearts.  Here’s to an April filled with open hearts and freedom and lots of sunshine!


Speaking of yoga, I am SO GRATEFUL to BlogHer Health for sharing and promoting my blog post “Humble Warrior” – thank you!

©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved
picture of Jesus from facebook @teenjesusfreaks