Hello Everyone!
How are you? I hope and pray you are doing well as we muddle through these weeks and months of physical distancing. For many of us, it gives us the opportunity to think about who we are, what we want to do and what we want to create with our lives.
I know many of you have a vision. You are visionaries. The definition of visionary is a person who can think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom! I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!
Okay, but you say to me…Sue, I have a vision but how do I bring it to fruition? You want to start the business, the book, the ministry, the thing you are called to do but you don’t know how. Maybe you are watching too many videos and listening to lots of “experts” and you are lost and stuck. I get it. It’s overwhelming. But remember, that’s all a choice. We can set boundaries about what information to let in and we can choose peace over chaos.
This is YOUR vision. No “expert” has been in on that conversation between you and God. No “expert” knows what you know and can offer what you can offer. You have everything you need.
It’s time to listen to YOU.
On this week’s episode of the podcast, I talk about the difference between a good idea and a God idea. Hint: One is limited and one is limitless. I also share ways to get started and introduce your vision to others. You can launch without having the next 5-10 years planned. You’ve got this. Listen in for some ideas to move you forward.
I hope you enjoy it! Let me know!
Feel free to reach out anytime by commenting here or sending me an email at greatbigyes1@gmail.com or a DM on Instagram or Facebook – both @greatbigyes.
Keep Saying YES!