Hello!! I hope you had an amazing Christmas!
As I’m creating and dreaming and planning for 2020, I’m beyond excited to be offering you a new opportunity to connect and be coached in the new year! I’m launching “Team YES! Coaching and Community with Sue Bidstrup”. That’s the official name but we will just call it Team YES!
This is a membership group which means you will pay monthly, $25. THAT’S ALL!!! It’s an amazing deal for what you will receive. More info will be coming to you but be ready to register on January 3rd!!

But before we even get into the new year, I wanted to address something I think is paramount before we get started. I believe and I know from my own life, that I am the one who is in my way most of the time. It’s my thoughts that hold me back. It’s my limiting beliefs that keep me stuck!
See the photo above? That’s us enjoying Christmas day in Mexico on a beach! It was amazing! But I have to say, different. See, it turns out Christmas doesn’t have to be enjoyed with all of your extended family on a snow covered mountaintop in your parent’s ski home. It also doesn’t have to be in your childhood home. It also doesn’t have to look like a Hallmark movie. If we think it has to look a certain way, we will be disappointed no doubt. But if we allow ourselves to let go of any “should” beliefs, we can enjoy what is unfolding in our lives. We can embrace who we are and where we are headed. Even better than that, we can CREATE who we are and where we are headed.
There are so many examples! For instance, say you believe college is the only way to success. You’ve drilled this into your kids, you secretly judge others about where they went to school, you are convinced college means you are smart and successful and everything else is not an option. Maybe you would never say this out loud but you hold this as a truth and you expect all of your kids to graduate college. But then…your son or daughter decides not to go. Or they drop out. Or they have an alternate plan. And you lose it. You are angry, bitter, maybe you even start lying and manipulating…who knows? Now, your child hasn’t changed. Your child is amazing. Your child is on their own path to success. THERE IS NOT ONLY ONE PATH TO SUCCESS. Amen? But do you say this and then do something else entirely in your life? So, back to your child, they are finding their way and you are not allowing it. You are not having it. You will control and determine what happens here because you know that college is absolutely necessary. But is it? Really? Or is that a limiting belief that is ruining your relationship with your child and stealing your peace? Are you holding on so tightly to a limiting belief (you don’t know what it is, you just think it’s TRUTH) that you aren’t allowing God to work in your life? In your child’s life?
Y’all…that is only one example. There are so many. When we moved to Texas from a lifetime in Chicago, I remember really having to let go of the limiting belief that “kids should grow up in the same place all their lives, they should graduate high school with the people they started kindergarten with”. That is how I grew up so that is what I thought is real and true and necessary. But I felt God tugging me toward Texas, all signs pointed go. I was scared and unsure but I felt this was “go time”, I needed to get out of my way and get out of the way of my family and where God was calling them (our limiting beliefs can affect others too!). Then I arrived here in Austin. I got involved in a group called, “Just Moved” and I SAW for the first time, how big and beautiful and wide and deep the world is. I saw the expansiveness of God and His very real desire to grow us and allow us to become. I was the only thing in the way of His plan for me. Me and my thoughts. My limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs keep you SMALL. They keep you stuck. You think they make you safe but it’s the opposite. They are the scariest. Because they keep you from your beautiful, authentic, real, expansive life that God has planned for you. In the end, you will be asking, Why didn’t I do that? Why didn’t I go there? Why didn’t I try? And the only answer will be…because of you and your limiting beliefs.
Let’s break chains in 2020! Let’s show up real in 2020! Let’s explore and get really curious in 2020! I can’t wait to see what happens next!