Three is the magic number.
My son asked me the other day why three is the magic number and I said “Because of the trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” The rest of my family came up with a bunch of other reasons so we decided it’s the magic number because Schoolhouse Rock said it is.
I have three things I’m celebrating in the next couple weeks.
1. It’s my Birthday
2. It’s Easter
3. It’s my one year anniversary of becoming a Holy Yoga instructor
Now alone…each of these things is amazing and exciting. But together…I mean…I’m giddy over here. And also, it’s Spring and sunny and warm today and my kids (and me and the dog) will hopefully get out of the house. Yay!
I am so grateful for all of the things on the list. I want to do something special to celebrate!
What are we celebrating? Let’s think about each of the things on the list above:
1. The gift of LIFE
2. The gift of JESUS and His saving GRACE
So we are born, right? And then we live and we struggle and we grow and we learn and somewhere along the way, someone tells us about God and Jesus and HOW MUCH WE ARE LOVED. That we are His BELOVED. Which is incredible because we don’t have to do anything accept allow ourselves to BE – LOVED. Which is the best news ever! And sometimes we remember and other times we toss it all aside and we make mistakes and we reject God and we doubt and we fear and we struggle.
And then, God willing, we get a “shot in the arm” when God brings us someone new, something different, a new way of seeing to renew our faith and our hope and our dreams and our KNOWING HOW MUCH WE ARE LOVED. He reminds us that we can BE-LOVED and He asks us to open our hearts to Receive. He reignites our passion for goodness and truth and He shows us the way. Again. And Again. And again.
Because it’s not a straight line…it’s curvy and bumpy and it has stop signs and detour signs and we get lost. Sometimes we are good and happy and healthy and we are strolling along easily. Other times, we get lonely, we get scared, we suffer, we get angry. But He never leaves us.
And that my friends is a gift I can never repay.
Holy Yoga was a major “shot in the arm” for me last year. Holy Yoga has reignited my passion to SHARE GOD’S GRACE AND LOVE WITH OTHERS. I have no idea what that looks like because I don’t know the way. But Jesus is the way so I’ve decided I will just follow Him.
I am currently in Holy Yoga Leadership training and I am beyond excited to see what great plans God has for this ministry. Hundreds of people are being trained to share the Gospel with the world through the vehicle of yoga.
The Gospel. Shared with the World. Through Holy Yoga.
So, to celebrate, I have three ideas I’d like to share with you.
1. For the next two weeks, I will be donating all of my class proceeds to the Holy Yoga ministry. This money will help with the costs of ongoing training and leadership development of Holy Yoga instructors. Please come to a Class! The cost is $10. If you have been wanting to experience Holy Yoga, now is the time. All are welcome! Even if you have never experienced yoga before, please join us!
2. Please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry. If you would like to donate and you can’t come to class, you can visit Go to the DONATE tab. In notes please include: T3 FUNDRAISING, Instructor name: Sue Bidstrup. (Holy Yoga is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations qualify as a charitable tax deductible contribution.)
3. Please PRAY for Holy Yoga! The mission of Holy Yoga is to spread the truth of God’s Word and God’s love throughout the entire world. We are a global ministry based on the truth that there is no boundary to what God can do. We believe that He wants Holy Yoga to minister to every tongue, every nation, and every tribe. We appreciate your prayers.
Thank you! I really hope to see you at class in the next couple weeks. The schedule is here on the blog under the Holy Yoga Class Schedule tab. Let’s celebrate together!
Have a blessed Holy Week!