Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Peace on Purpose…Everywhere

It happened again this year.

As we were wrapping up our annual trip to Colorado and we were driving out of Steamboat, the sun was amazing over the mountains and the ground was blanketed in fresh powder but I was crying.  Tears were streaming down my face as we started our trek back home.

It’s so holy in the mountains.

It just feels right, you know?

I love the line in “Rocky Mountain High” where John Denver sings, “Talk to God and listen to His casual reply…” His casual reply…those beautiful snow capped peaks…the trees…the air.  The clear night sky filled with stars scattered like promises.  The magnificence and the simplicity.  It’s soul food.  Every year I go there and I fill up on nourishment for my soul.  And when I leave I fear it’s not enough.

This year when I felt those tears and that familiar knot in my stomach as we drove away, I prayed.  I talked to God.  I told Him that I come to the mountains to find Him and He never disappoints but the thought of returning home to all of my “stuff” and my obligations and the cold and the flat lands and the monotony of it all scares me…I poured out my heart.  And I listened for God’s casual reply…and this is what I heard.

You come to meet me in the mountains because I’m so obvious there. It’s good to have love and strength and power and might in your face like that.  It assures you that I’m real and present and eternal.

My presence is undeniable in the majesty of the mountains and the trees and this beautiful land.  I’m glad you like it.  I’m glad it feeds you.  I led you here to know that “soul rest” is possible and necessary.

But now I lead you home.  I’m there too you know.

I’m in the strong winds that blow across the desolate farmlands.  I’m in the drifting snow.

I’m in your home.  I’m in every nook and cranny.  I’m in your kitchen with you every day and I’m outside your window no matter the weather.  I’m with you when you tuck in the kids and when you lay in bed reading your book.

I’m with you when you walk the dog and when you shovel the driveway.

I’m in the person next to you at the dry cleaners and the one in the car across the street.  I’m in the grocery store parking lot…amid all of the brown slush that has accumulated from all of the ice and snow and salt and traffic.  It’s not always pretty but I’m there.  

I can do beauty.  I can do breathtaking views.  But I’ll go to the valley and I’ll trudge through the muck and I’ll stay steady and present in the monotony of the day to day because that’s where life happens.

Don’t forget me.

Don’t make an annual trip the only time you feel my presence.

I am everywhere.

Create a home in me and you will never be alone.

Soul nourishment is for every day…not just vacations.  Talk to me and I’ll answer.

“Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you.”  John 15:4

peace on purpose

This year in Holy Yoga we will have a theme each month.  The theme for this month is PEACE ON PURPOSE.  Join me on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter to follow along with our “Pose a Day” Challenge.  Come to a class!  Make this the year that you try Holy Yoga.  It’s such a beautiful way to stay connected to God, to worship with your body, mind and soul.  I want to meet you and spend time with you.  Let’s encourage each other to stay connected and find Peace on Purpose everyday, everywhere.  Let’s make 2014 our best year yet!


©2014 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™  All Rights Reserved