Happy New Year!!!
I am so excited for 2017! I hope you are too! I challenge you to think about your “YES”. What is it? My friend asks, “What gets you up in the morning?” and my answer to that is God and “Thank you God!” but what I want to ask is, “Are you living a life you love?”. If not, why not? Can you spend some time in prayer and ask the Lord, “What more do you have for me Lord?” and think about your gifts and your passions and what makes you feel alive and awakened. God has a special plan for you. A “calling” that is unique to you with your experiences, your desires, your talents, your resources, your connections…YOU and only you can fulfill this particular calling. Some of us may be thinking, “Who, me?” YES, YOU!! My hope and prayer is that we can all live lives we love. That we can all celebrate and say thank you together for a world (including us) that is awakened to the possibilities of all of us living lives of passion and purpose. YES? AMEN?
“But friends, you’re not in the dark, so how could you be taken off guard by any of this? You’re sons of Light, daughters of Day. We live under wide open skies and know where we stand. So let’s not sleepwalk through life like those others.” – Thessalonians 5:4-5
It’s Tuesday so here is our first podcast of the year!
I’m speaking with my friend, Chidimma Ozor, about all the amazing work she is doing. She is a yoga teacher, essential oils enthusiast, blogger, podcaster, and all around cool chick. She and I talk about everything and this podcast is kind of funny because we started recording after we had been talking for awhile. You will feel like you are entering into the middle of a conversation and we are all over the map! I hope you enjoy. My desire is to have these podcasts feel like you are a fly on the wall, listening into conversations between friends who are sharing their dreams and desires and celebrating how God is working in their lives. Here are all the ways to keep in touch with Chi and what she has going on:
Website: www.thetypeahippie.com
IG: @thetypeahippie
IG: @aroma.flow
FB: www.facebook.com/thetypeahippie
FB: www.facebook.com/joyfullivingwithessentialoils
ACT | Aroma Compassion Therapy…coming soon!