Happy March! I love a new month that starts on a Monday!
I’m going to talk about success this month in Team YES, on the podcast and on my social media! The big question is…How do you define success for YOU?
The world cannot define it for you. Your neighbor’s opinion doesn’t matter here. What do YOU want? When it’s all said and done, what will make YOU feel like YOU are a success?
This is not a shallow, easy question. Dig deep. Ask God. Think about the times you reached a goal that you thought was the end all, be all and you felt empty. What would have made you feel complete? What did you sacrifice to reach the goal? Was the cost too high?
Our view of success changes over time and with experience. How has yours changed?
Moving into the future, how do you define success?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Feel free to share in comments here or over on Instagram @greatbigyes.
Keep saying YES! I’m cheering for you!