Friends, great Big YES on Instagram and Facebook will be running stories of hope and optimism. Please share yours!! Tag with #unleashoptimism and @greatbigyes and I will repost on Great Big YES! I know there are MANY amazing stories. They don’t have to be long or perfect just real. Why do you have hope? Let’s talk about the good stuff! There is so much good in the world! We can share stories of hope and possibility and faith and optimism. Please join me! (If you want to just share a story in the comments or email me, I will format and share on social media (mom ) also if you don’t understand what I’m talking about let me know and I’ll help you. All you need is the story.
Where do you find hope? What lessons have you learned from your parents? What do you dream and hope for your kids? What are your favorite parts of this beautiful country? Did you have military family? Are you military? Who was your favorite teacher? What’s your greatest lesson learned? Why are you powerful? Where do you find God? What brings you joy? What creative pursuits do you love? Why do you fly the flag? What’s your favorite poem? Who is your favorite American author? What American stories do you love? Where do you vacation in America? What do you remember about history and government being taught in school? What lights you up about our freedoms? What makes you happy? What are you grateful for? Who has helped you in your life?
I posted one of mine today on Instagram and Facebook:
Claim your freedom. Celebrate! Feeling so grateful for parents who told me I can do anything I want, be anything I want…no limits. And then they showed me what hard work looks like. They taught me manners and discipline and kindness. More than once it was said, “There’s no free lunch” and “be part of the solution” and “be grateful” and “be kind”. We laughed and celebrated and enjoyed each other. Because life is good and God is good and America is the best country on earth. My dad fought in World War 2 and he didn’t have time or patience for disrespect of flag or country. He was an intelligent, kind man who loved God and loved me completely. When I told him that I wanted to marry someone like him because he knew everything, he said “No, you want someone to marry you because YOU know everything.” I never felt limits or fear or anger. Just joy and humility and gratitude and possibility. I had a voice in my family. They believe(d) in me. This will never leave me. I will choose it every day. Darkness has no hold on me. I am the daughter of the King of Kings and the daughter of an earthly father who loved me well. I am free. #unleashoptimism @greatbigyes
Love you people of light and goodness. I believe in us. And in the US.