Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

It’s not that deep. Try Stuff.

Are you stuck in limiting thoughts? Are you at a standstill in your business or your life because you think you are too old or not fit enough or you need more education or money before you can start? Are you telling yourself you’re not worthy or you “can’t”? Are you worried about what people will say or think?

Let’s do this. Think about why you aren’t starting or why you aren’t moving forward. Whether it’s in business or something you are struggling with personally, if you are stuck, ask yourself why. And whatever thought you have in that moment, take it captive. Is it true? Is it helpful? Who would you be without that thought?

Sometimes we make something into a really big deal when it’s not. We hesitate to take chances because we might “fail”. But if we don’t “fail”, we will never learn! Or what if we succeed!? What if that thing we try is a game changer?! What if we stop thinking about what could go wrong and start thinking about what could go right?

We don’t need to make big declarations or decide what we are going to do forever. We just need to decide to do something now. Anything. Taking action will bring clarity! If it doesn’t work, we can try something else.

You can change your mind. You can try something and if you don’t like the results, you can try something else. You can even have FUN while doing it!

It’s not that deep. Try stuff.

Listen to the newest episode on the subject and let me know what YOU will try this week! I’m rooting for you!