Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

I’ve always loved books.

My mom and dad owned a bookstore when I was growing up. I remember the time I met Richard Scarry at a book fair when I was younger. Actually, I don’t remember, but there was a picture taken and we were in the paper! Also, Joe Namath was at a book fair once back in the late 70’s or early 80’s, which was very exciting for my brothers. (And my mom. He is very cute.)

More recently, my mom and daughter and I went to meet Judy Blume and we were interviewed on the news because we are three generations of women who LOVE her books!

I spent many days devouring teen magazines like Tiger Beat. Later, it was Seventeen and People magazine and then Vogue and dare I say, Cosmopolitan. Vanity Fair came later and now, it’s Architectural Digest.

My favorite places are still bookstores and libraries. My home office looks like a library. I have so many books!

I’ve also been writing my whole life. I wasn’t an English major in college. I’m not sure why I didn’t study creative writing or spend time learning the actual craft of writing…I just wrote was was on my heart. Mostly in my journals. Years and years of journals. I think I liked speaking even more than writing so I majored in communications, which I guess combines the two. Let’s be honest, I spent my time mostly chatting with friends and boys and whoever would listen which now I would like to consider research and preparation for a life of reading, writing and speaking.

I’ve been on several book launch teams for authors, including Jen Hatmaker, Chip and Joanna Gaines, Bianca Olthoff. Maybe even more. Honestly, I went through a phase of saying, “Yes!” to all of it. I wanted to learn all I could about publishing a book. I loved the “behind the scenes” look at the whole process. I joined writing groups and attended book signings and went to writing conferences. Dreaming of one day, writing and publishing a book of my own.

Well, the time is now! I am finally publishing my first book this fall! It’s a dream come true!

I started this blog back in 2010. For awhile, I wrote once a week which has been such a gift. It’s basically on online journal! So I’ve gone back and gathered my favorite essays, added several new ones and put them all together in a book. At the end of each essay are journal prompts to get the reader writing. Because this book is about God’s grace in my life AND your life. It is designed to get you thinking and writing about your own beautiful, unique, amazing story!

Journaling has been the one constant practice that has helped me find clarity, stay sane, record important moments, work out angst, release anger, talk to God, and discover myself. I am so excited to help others begin and sustain a journaling practice!

I can’t wait to share my book, Great Big YES, Stories of God’s Grace, with you very soon! Stay tuned!

*photo by Jenna Lester Photography