This essay and I are part of the Messy, Beautiful Warrior Project — To learn more and join us, CLICK HERE! And to learn about the New York Times Bestselling Memoir Carry On Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life, just released in paperback, CLICK HERE!
When someone asks you how you are, what do you say?
I think it’s easier to tell people you are a mess. People like to hear that. It’s more difficult to say you feel beautiful. Or your life is beautiful. Can you imagine if we walked around saying everything was beautiful? Everything. All the time. People would be like Whatever. You are annoying. Just to remind us.
The good thing is that you can say you are both, a mess and beautiful. It’s not a one or the other. It’s a “Yes, I’m messy AND I’m beautiful”. If we posted the truth on Facebook, it might look like this: Hey my kids are dirty and stinky and sassy and right now I’m pretty sure they will never amount to anything good but I still love them. Or: My husband and I had a rip roaring argument last night and I think I actually hate him right now but marriage can be a beautiful thing and I know I’m learning and growing and we love each other a whole lot. Or: I have no idea what I’m going to do with my life. I really am lost and afraid and I feel alone and I think I may be going crazy but I’m sure I will look back at this as a really beautiful time of searching for me. The truth is, you may be having a terrible moment but your whole life is not rotten.
We get so used to complaining and commiserating that we tend to choke on the positive words. Have you ever asked someone how they are doing and they answer, “I’m fantastic! Never been better!” I love that. Are they really fantastic? Are they just trying to convince themselves? Who cares! It always makes me smile and I feel pretty fantastic just being around them. Perception is everything.
AND Marianne Williamson said (so I believe), “As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” By this I think she means we should say we are fantastic when we are feeling it and we can say we are a mess when we are feeling that and there will be no shame in either. Because we all know we are both. Messy and Beautiful.
I’ve been spending a lot of time with Jesus lately and I’ve noticed something. When I tell Him I feel messy and confused and lost, He tells me I’m beautiful. When I go to him all puffed up and full of myself and how I’ve totally got this whole life thing together, He immediately shows me my mess.
It’s like with my kids. If they come to me needy and feeling insecure and they’ve really messed something up, I encourage them and love on them and tell them they are beautiful and wonderful. But if they come to me all bossy pants telling me how great they are and demanding a bunch of stuff I tell them they are actually really just okay and and then I tell them to go clean their room. Just to keep it real.
It’s called balance.
So I’ve gotten comfortable with my messiness since it’s the thing that’s gotten me closer to Jesus. He wants my mess. I go to Him like a child and crawl up on His lap for a rest, for Him to tell me I’m beautiful. It’s so comforting I’ve started doing it every day. You know, checking in to get some love. Sometimes many times a day. Like, Hey…are you still there? I need some love. And He’s always there.
All those secrets we keep in the darkness, all the messy stuff we hide…Jesus wants that. He’s like…seriously, bring it. You don’t scare me. So we tell Him our secrets and our fears. We may think they are dark and ominous and scary but when we tell Him, He shines His beautiful light on them and they are transformed. Maybe not right away transformed but just by the telling…just by saying the bad stuff out loud…we enter into a new freedom. We receive His grace and we are not scared anymore. He makes beauty from ashes. It says so in the Bible which is my absolute favorite book of all books ever. It’s THE Love letter for all time and all people. Beauty from ashes.
I ask Him to help me be brave when I am messy or having a bad day/week/month/year/decade. I ask Him to help me see the beautiful. And you know what He does? He gives me brand new eyes. I start seeing things I never even noticed before. So now I can see the gorgeous shiny light in other people. All the people. It’s fun! Life becomes a big giant party for all the awesome people which is obviously everyone. It’s the kind of party where you are having so much fun with the music and the dancing and the laughter and the sharing that you don’t even notice the mess (yours or anyone else’s). And when you wake up the next day you don’t care about the mess because the love is so much bigger. You are exhausted and sore in a good way from laughing and dancing and telling your stories and being accepted and loved. You feel safe.
Safe enough to answer the question, “How are you?” with the truth…whatever that may be.
©2014 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™ All Rights Reserved