Hey there! It’s time for a new podcast!
I’m so excited to introduce you to Doran Richards! I love this conversation! Doran’s love and passion is helping women see that all phases and cycles of womanhood are blessings to us, God’s way. She has created resources and tools to help women embrace how our Creator has fearfully & wonderfully made their bodies. She is a Certified Professional Midwife serving women and their families through maternity, birth, and postpartum. She also is the author of a curriculum for girls titled Maidens by His Design. She is a speaker and has been to several international locations where she has used her gifts and passion for holistic women’s health. She is also a Shepherd for the Northeast Region for Holy Yoga Instructors. Her yoga training includes: Trauma, Pre/Post Natal, and Yin. She holds a Masters in her yoga certifications.
Here are all the Links to the amazing work Doran is doing!
Blessing God’s Way – www.blessinggodsway.com
Grace Midwifery – www.gracemidwifery.com
Holy Yoga of the Shenandoah Valley – www.holyyogasv.com
Amazon Link to Maidens by His Design Curriculum:
Student Workbook:https://www.amazon.com/Maidens-His-Design-Student-Workbook/dp/1697458432/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1UW5NJ7A1I4VO&keywords=maidens+by+his+design&qid=1574179056&sprefix=maidens%2Caps%2C403&sr=8-1Teacher’s Guide:https://www.amazon.com/Maidens-His-Design-Teachers-Guide/dp/1697455026/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1UW5NJ7A1I4VO&keywords=maidens+by+his+design&qid=1574179097&sprefix=maidens%2Caps%2C403&sr=8-2
Facebook Pages:
Blessing God’s Way – https://www.facebook.com/bgwteam/
Maidens by His Design –https://www.facebook.com/Maidens-by-His-Design-2422616271316185/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Grace Midwifery – https://www.facebook.com/gracemidwifery/
Holy Yoga of the Shenandoah Valley – https://www.facebook.com/holyyogashenvalley/
Instagram: @midwifedoran
AND…that’s a wrap for podcasts this year! I’m so grateful to all my guests for saying “YES!” I’ll be back with a new podcast on January 6th!
Merry Christmas y’all!

PS. Happy New Year too! I can’t wait for 2020! What will your “YES!” be in the new year?