Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Major Unleashing!!


As I write this my heart is racing. Literally. I’m so excited! I just can’t hide it! I feel like I’m going to jump out of my skin. Or maybe I’m feeling the unleashing that’s coming. Don’t worry,  I know I’m not a dog, duh. And I haven’t literally been on a leash, maybe you can relate. Do you have things that hold you back? Have you ever thought about it?

We all have limiting beliefs and many are unconscious. A big one for me is that I want everyone to like me. Just typing that feels gross. Because 1) it’s not possible 2) if everyone likes you then you probably have no convictions and are acting like a chameleon to people please. Also gross.

Recently I had someone come after me with a lot of accusations and assumptions and negative, combative words. And while at first, this was difficult and made me sad and mad and defensive and frankly quite flabbergasted… now I want to tell her, “Thank you”. For real.

I recognized that my world view is optimism, positivity, faith, belief, trust and love. I realized that I am blessed and I am grateful and I love having fun. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. I realized that in order to please people and “fit in” to this negative, whiny, victim mentality world, I have nodded my head and gone along with the complainers. I stopped short of falling into the trap of despondency (Thank you Jesus!) but nevertheless, it gets in your head. Well, no more!

We’ve got things to do! We’ve got problems to solve! We’ve got wellness to go after! The world needs Jesus and light and goodness!

Lately, in my spare time, I have been really digging all the podcasts about health and wellness. I love “The living Experiment” and “The Broken Brain” and if you’ve been following me, you know I love Dr. Hyman and all his advice about what to eat. You know how they say, “Just do what you love”? Well, I love wellness.  Heart, mind, body, soul wellness. Integrated wellness.

I think about how I’m able to withstand kicks and punches to the psyche from negative people and the answer is Jesus, yoga, meditation and oils. If those were ingredients in a pot- you would be making “peace, happiness, and joy” stew! Your household would be smelling good and your heart would be at rest!

You have two choices.  1) learn solutions 2) complain and be a victim

My dad always asked us, “Are you part of the solution, or part of the problem?”

Hey Dad…up there in heaven with Jesus…I’M PART OF THE SOLUTION!

I went to a DoTerra Wellness summit yesterday and I’m on fire for the goodness of essential oils! I can’t wait to share with you!

I invite you to be on this journey with me! Let’s find natural solutions to things we are dealing with – from the practical…I have terrible cramps when I get my period.. (I have an oil for that!) to…I feel scared for my kids leaving the nest..(I have a prayer and community for that!) to…I feel overweight and lethargic…(we have yoga and meditation and prayer and oils for that)!

So, you get my point.  Ask yourself, DO YOU WANT TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION?

You know how the flight attendants tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others? This is that. Invite healing into your life and then you will be able to offer healing into the world. Hurt people hurt people. But….healed people, heal people.

Let’s do this!

There are lots of ways to connect.

  1. Join the private Facebook group I’m starting for people who want to learn more about essential oils. I want to create a space dedicated to my oil journey and help people find natural solutions! (I will post a link on my @greatbigyes Facebook page so follow me there to get to private group)
  2. contact me to learn more about essential oils –
  3. subscribe to this blog
  4. share a story of healing/joy/success/gratitude/hope/optimism with me to be featured on the podcast or blog (depending on if you prefer to speak or write your story)!
  5. follow @greatbigyes on Instagram (Instagram bio has all the links)  and Facebook
  6. Pray, move, breathe and be well.  We’ve got this!
  9. SAY “YES”!

I can’t wait to see it all unfold…Lord, be with us as we link arms in community to BE THE LIGHT! Lord, help us find solutions for ourselves that promote healing and wellness so we can live our best lives! Thank you in advance Lord for your provision and protection and your saving grace. We love you and praise you!