My kids love to play with our Nativity sets. They want to know why some people don’t put Jesus in until Christmas. I tried to do this a couple years ago by hiding baby Jesus and I couldn’t remember where I put him! That was disappointing to the kids when I couldn’t find Jesus on Christmas!
I want to talk about Mary, the Mother of God. There are so many things we can talk about regarding Mary but right now, I’m thinking about how she felt when the angel, Gabriel appeared to her to tell her she was going to give birth to Jesus. She was 14 years old and unmarried. Can you imagine how she felt?
I’ve never had an angel appear to me but I’ve felt myself being called. Have you?
The other day I read a poem that was sent to me from Loyola Press. I want to share it with you. Up to this point, I have to admit, I never considered what Mary’s Mom thought about her situation.
Mary’s Mom
I’d like to know if you noticed anything different
about your daughter. On a particular day, did she seem pale
or out of breath? Was she weepy? Did you have to tell her things twice?
When the truth came out, did you agonize about why
she hadn’t come to you? Did you tell her father, or did she?
And—be honest, now—when you, being the mother, being a woman,
understood the situation, didn’t you enjoy some moments
of sheer satisfaction? Didn’t you say to God, one eyebrow arched,
“You couldn’t have picked a better one”?
Copyright © 2009 Vinita Hampton Wright
Talk about making your mom proud!!
Since I have daughters, this poem really touched me. I’m always wondering, what are they thinking, why did they do that, what are they going through, are they going to share things with me, how do I get in, how do I show my love to them? I believe that every woman has her own private journey. We have things in our hearts and minds that are ours alone. Until I was a mother, I never realized how much I would long to be a witness on someone else’s private journey. I know I can’t be. I know my daughters will shut me out and it has begun. It hurts but it’s what’s necessary. I realize that, yet I still look for clues, facial expressions, glances, mumbles, anything that will let me be a part of their hearts. I’m sure Mary’s mother felt the same.
Some say the light of the angel Gabriel was so bright that Mary had no doubt that she should say yes. Well, hindsight is 20/20 in this case. Clearly, Mary made the right call but was she afraid? Was she scared she would be stoned to death? Was she thinking, “What will I tell Joseph?” Who will believe me? What will my parents think?
Makes you think, huh? When one of us is called, it affects many others. We don’t always know who, why or how, but it does. Mary said “Yes”. Her “Yes” changed the world.
Are you being called?
What’s your answer?