I’m all over the map today.
My daughter is home sick so I’m rearranging furniture and hanging things. By the end of the day, the dining room will be an office and the family room will be filled with lots of new things hanging on the walls. I have no rhyme or reason and I don’t measure. I EYEBALL. There is nothing that irritates my husband more.
My husband is the guy that has a level which he actually uses as he measures and pencils in and makes precise lines and angles. I don’t have the time or patience for that. I eyeball, hammer, hang. Repeat. Oh and if I’m a little off, I take out, eyeball, hammer, hang. My walls are atrocious. Holes everywhere. So I cover the holes with more pictures and artwork. Some may call this damaging the walls. I call it ARTSY.
(See, they are a little wobbly and I’m not done but…I ran out of matching frames! what to do? Put one up that doesn’t match? Search Target on line and try to order one? Take down a row? Hmmm…)
Back to being ARTSY…
I’ve taught my kids this language too. We don’t say messy, we say COZY. When we change our mind midstream and start moving things around, we call that INSPIRATION. When we decide to paint something pink or put a chandelier in the laundry room, that is called STYLE. We can spend hours standing in the middle of a room thinking and just imagining… that is not a waste of time, that is mommy on the verge of a really good idea that may or may not come to fruition. But that is okay because we are CREATIVE.
I wonder, do other people want their dining room to be an office? Why do I love “offices” so much? My dream house is this…
1.Office for official stuff like school papers and the calender. This room is superorganized. I go to the Container Store and go hog wild! There are cubbies everywhere with stuff like paper clips and post it notes in coordinating colors. Also, lots of folders and pencils that match with lots of Sharpies.
2. Craft room for glue guns, glitter, paint and wrapping paper. This room is sparkly. I spend a lot of time at The Paper Source buying crafty things for this room. I am glad I already have the heated up thingy that dries glitter on your home made cards…Whew! at least I don’t have to worry about getting that. This is me in that room…
3. The photo album room. There is a comfy chair in here because when the photos come out, the memories do too and I can spend hours just looking and remembering and being grateful. This is the grateful room. The “count your blessings” craft room. This room also has tissues for the tears when I read all the letters from my dad and all the cards I’ve received and a memory book my friends made me on my 40th birthday. This room also has a phone, just in case I need to call an old friend. It’s a rotary phone with a long cord so I can lay on the floor and twirl it as we talk for hours. There is no call waiting…just a busy signal. There’s a window in this room too…with a tree outside. You can open this window and smell fresh cut grass and remember. Or you can spend time up here on snow days. I think this room has a built in daybed too right by the window for dreaming. Yes, this room is the dream room.
4. Computer room where it is peaceful and serene and I can look at Pinterest in peace for hours. This room has a door with a lock.
5. Cozy library with walls of books and a fireplace and comfy chairs with yummy fluffy blankets because…
6. A bathroom – just because it’s a necessity. But since we need one, we are going to make it pretty.
7. A bedroom which also has a desk for writing old fashioned letters as if I’m in a movie like “Legends of the Fall” and I’m writing to Brad Pitt. I can also use this “desk” for brushing my lovely long hair while staring longingly into the mirror thinking about Brad Pitt.
8. A yoga studio. Yes, a yoga studio. Enough space for me to teach a class or at least have a few friends come over and chit chat while we lay on our mats. This room will smell good – like lavender and peppermint. We will have essential oils and a singing bowl and it will be warm in there. Music will pipe through the speakers – soothing, yoga music that makes you feel like you are in India, not in a suburban house that is full of “offices”.
8. A kitchen – but mine is special because it’s just pretty. There is a big round, beautiful table that’s perfect for visiting with friends. There is a big, crystally chandelier. It’s warm and smells good and makes you want to linger. There is a couch in there too. And books. Not cookbooks, just books. It’s all about eating but not cooking. There is a refrigerator but no stove or oven. Everything magically appears on the table ready to eat. I need this because I’m so busy being CREATIVE that I don’t have time to cook. However, there is a coffee pot and a cookie jar and they are always full.
So this is my dream house. Now you know. Today I will be trying to bring at least one little aspect of that dream to fruition.
I better get some more coffee and my hammer…
©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved pictures from me or from Pinterest -coffee and cookies from www.bhg.com- rotary phone from splityam at www.flickr.com – yoga room from http://dustjacketattic.blogspot.com/search/label/travel – bathroom from http://blossomsandbliss.tumblr.com/page/5– I like big books and I cannot lie from http://www.etsy.com/listing/94463207/i-like-big-books-and-i-cannot-lie?utm_campaign=Share&utm_medium=PageTools