Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

My Mat

I went to yoga today for the first time in months.

I actually went to a new studio and tried a new class with new people.

All the newness almost had me saying, “no” again.

But then I remembered all the talk about “yes” that I’ve been putting out there.  All the encouragement I’ve been posting for all of us to say “yes” to the new things.  I’ve decided I should hashtag everything #preachingtomyself.

Sometimes “yes” is hard.  There is a voice that says, “It’s too much work” or “I don’t feel like it” or “I’m tired and it’s not worth it”, etc.  I’ve heard that voice and at times I’ve felt like just going back to bed.  Maybe you’ve heard that voice too.  It can be loud and menacing.  It can be convincing.

Today I just decided to do it…say, “yes”…GO.

It was  a hot yoga class and I am not used to that.  No towel, not enough water, no clothes to change into afterwards.  I figured, “I’m here, let’s just try it.”

It was amazing. Hot and challenging and inspiring.

At the end of class, I had a wet cold lavender soaked towel over my eyes and I heard the teacher say, “The divine light in me recognizes and honors the divine light in you.  Namaste.”

The tears came then.  Cleansing tears.  Joyful tears.  Grateful tears.  So good to hear those words again.

I had come home. My mat is home wherever it lands.  My mat is home in Chicago and my mat is home in Austin.  My mat is where I can go inside.  My mat is where subtle changes lead to lasting transformation.  My mat is where I am reminded, awakened and challenged.

It’s so good to be back.


HY prayer