I’m excited for you to listen to this podcast and meet Caroline!
Caroline Williams has a You Tube Channel, Caroline Williams Yoga and she is active on instagram @carolinewyoga and Facebook @CarolineWilliamsYoga. She also has a blog, https://www.carolinewilliamsyoga.comMany of you already follow her I’m sure!
She recently ran a Kickstarter campaign and surpassed her fund raising goal! She will be filming videos for a series called “Foundations in Yoga: A Jesus Centered Approach”, that will be released in September of this year. We can’t wait!
Caroline and her husband have been living in New York City! I love this and I told her it feels really glamorous and special to me to live in NYC. She told me all their stuff is actually all packed up in storage as they are planning a trip. She took time to chat with me before she and her husband head to Europe and travel around for months, exploring and living out a lifelong dream.
Caroline and I talk about a lot of things, including our husbands, faith, yoga, Jesus, making dreams come true, staying the course when things don’t turn out the way you planned, and trusting God. We ponder the question, “Can Christians do yoga?” I think you can guess our answer to that question!
I love talking to people about the things God is calling them into in their lives. I also really love learning about how they bring their dreams to life. What does the day to day look like? How did they start? What if they get discouraged? We touch on all of that in this podcast. Like all good conversations, we laugh a little, I cry a little (no surprise) and I say YES! a lot! (Again, no surprise)
Enjoy! And then head over to You Tube and practice some yoga with Caroline!