Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

New Podcast! Listen in on a real life session with Heidi Gedlaman using “The Work of Byron Katie”!

Okay that’s a long title, I know. But honestly, drop everything and listen to this podcast!

Many of you are familiar with The Work of Byron Katie. It’s powerful stuff. Freedom unleashing. Chain smashing. Barrier breaking. If you have not heard of it before, get ready to be blown away.

It’s no secret that I love encouraging you to “take every thought captive”! On this episode, you will learn tangible ways to do so. Of course, there are many ways to work on your thoughts but this one is a game changer. Many people credit The Work with transforming their lives.

On this episode, my guests, Heidi Gedlaman and Davis Ehrler allow us to listen in on a real life session. Davis and I have been friends since 6th grade and Davis introduced me to Heidi. Heidi lives in Calgary, Alberta, and is a facilitator for The Work. She and and Davis met on a 9 day retreat with Byron Katie where they learned all about the Work. Listen in and be inspired and empowered!

If you are looking to connect with Heidi, you can follow her on Instagram at @heidigedlaman or email her at (Her website is in the works.) She would love to connect with you!

You can find more information about The Work at The Work of Byron Katie.

Thanks for listening! I’d love to hear from you! What did you think? Did you have a breakthrough moment? Was this helpful to you?

Keep Saying YES!
