I’m excited for you to listen to the latest podcast. I had the best time meeting Avery Harris! She went on a mission trip and her heart broke for the victims of slavery. She decided to do something about it so she opened a food truck in Austin, Texas and called it SAvery Grilled Cheese. (Tune in to the podcast and find out why the SA is capitalized.) She gives 10% of the profits to organizations that are fighting to end slavery and human trafficking.
Find out where the truck is each day on their website The food is delicious!
Here are some pictures from our time together. It was my first “live” interview. We had so much fun! The audio is kind of wacky being “live” and all. We were outside. The food truck was parked in front of an office building and the people that work there were lining up to buy lunch at the truck. So cool! The truck travels to different spots and events so if you want to book it- check on the website for contact information. Enjoy the podcast!