Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

New Podcast! Saralyn Hamilton – Freedom from “gray area” drinking

Y’all! I’m excited for you to meet Saralyn Hamilton!

Have you heard of “gray area drinking”? Have you ever been “sober curious”? We talk about what these things mean and the role alcohol plays in our lives and in society as a whole. What are our attitudes around drinking? Why?

Saralyn has been alcohol free for a year. She never “hit rock bottom”. She was not forced to quit drinking. She just decided it no longer served her so she made the brave choice to stop drinking. Listen in to hear her story of freedom!

Saralyn is a believer, wife, mom and loves all things beautiful! You may find her doing yoga, hiking outside, volunteering her time in Women’s Ministry through her church or involved projects with her clients through her marketing and creating branding business, Saralyn Hamilton Creatives. Follow along in her everyday life through FacebookInstagram or on her blog!   

You may enjoy reading her Freedom Story Interview :

Some of the Instagram Accounts she mentioned in podcast:@tellbetterstoriesmedia, @drylifeclub, @thesoberglow, @heathy_discoveries 

Thanks for joining us! Please comment if you have a question or if you have feedback. I would love to hear from you! Did you learn anything new? Have you walked this path? How did Saralyn encourage you? Where to you go for inspiration on this topic?