Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

New Podcast with Brooke Thompson!

I’m so excited to share this episode of The Great Big YES! podcast with you!

Brooke Thompson and I met through Holy Yoga and we have been friends for years. She is so full of light and joy it’s contagious! She just returned from her third trip to Kenya with #beyondthemat and tells us all about it. We talk about feeling called and being scared and doing it anyway. Isn’t that what courage is? She is brave and inspirational and so much fun!

I loved hearing about her vision board events and who knew she loves Vincent Van Gogh? And rock climbing? You have to listen in to get all the fun details. She drops some truth bombs that had me crying at the end. You don’t want to miss this conversation.

You can find Brooke on Instagram at @honeyandsoulyoga and @brookeattheranch. Tune in to hear if she’s really on a ranch…